The Door Within Wiki

Robby Pierson is a friend ofAidan Thomas, Trenna Swiftfoot, Splinter, and one of the Three Witnesses. He is mentioned in The Door Within first book of the trilogy. He is described to be the cool, strong, and handsome kid whom everybody wants to be friends with. However, as described in the The Door Within (first book of the series,) he feels insecure and wished that people would not be "outside friends" and be "inside friends", as he described Aidan. In The Rise of the Wyrm Lord, (second book of the series,) Aidan asks Antoinette Reed to find Robby's glimpse, Kearn, and turn him to join Alleble. Aiden had a seen vision of Robby being in the army of Paragory, having red eyes as a sign of loyalty to Paragor the Betrayer. Antoinette gets captured by Kearn which leads to The Final Storm. In The Final Storm, Aidan arrives to Robby's house to spend the day with him, only to meet his father. When Aiden tries to show Robby the scrolls, his father threatens Aiden, telling him to go home. The second time Aiden goes to see Robby, Robby explains to Aiden how he ran away the day Aiden moved and how a voice told him wonderous things, and they all came true. Robby's father had come back, he won a soccer game with his team, and that he even got his own sword. Soon, after getting in a fight with Count Eogan, Aiden gets pulled into The Thread and enters Alleble. Robby kills Count Eogan and, by the help of King Eliam the Everlasting, he enters The Realm through The Door Within.


Robby is tall, blonde, muscular and handsome. He wears one earing on his left ear and has a strong figure. In deleted chapters of The Door Within, he mentions that the girls in high school call him "cute" and that the boys called him "cool".


Robby is confident, witty, strong willed, noted for his southern accent, and friendly. He feels insecure at times and tends to try to see the good in everyone, especally his father. He is smart and well trained in combate, being disciplined and organized, but impatiant and a little cocky.

Past Life[]

In Robby's past life, his father and mother would fight and he would hide in his room, waiting for it to be over. Soon, his father left him, his mother, and his sister. later, he moved to from Maryland to Chicago, which he met Aiden at school. They became good friends and shared many hours together, leading him to run away in fury when Aiden had to move away.
